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The Upside Learning Blog Hits 1 Million Views

With 2500+ subscribers and 575 posts, The Upside Learning Blog hit 1 million views on 15th July 2013. The blog which is owned and maintained by Upside Learning, a leading provider of learning technology solutions, was started on 3rd March 2009 as a platform to share thoughts and views pertaining to eLearning. Over a period of 4+ years, this has turned into a knowledge hub for people in the eLearning industry and otherwise to gain knowledge.

Today, the company has an internal blogging team of over 10 employees, apart from the founders – Amit Garg and Amit Gautam, who actively contribute to the blog. These employees with their diverse educational qualifications and work experience add a unique flavor to the posts. This is further underlined by their area of work in Upside Learning which helps them leverage their knowledge and expertise.

While sky is the limit for the various categories that are generally targeted on the blog, Mobile Learning, eLearning, Learning Management Systems, Blended Learning and Social Learning are some of the most popular ones. The blog carries over 140 posts on Mobile Learning alone.

Some other Upside Learning Blog stats worth noting:

  • 1,000,000 Views All Time
  • 2500+ Subscribers
  • 1500+ Comments
  • 31,624 Best Ever Views In A Month
  • 1,693 Best Ever Views In A Single Day

The Upside Learning Blog can be accessed at

In the process of sharing our thoughts, we now have a whole bunch of bloggers at Upside who follow a large number of related blogs daily. Result – They are more updated and are constantly learning from the outside world. Besides this, blogging itself has taught us about the importance of writing meaningful posts, writing consistently and choosing the titles carefully.

Amit Garg

Founder & Director – Custom Learning Solutions Upside Learning

A big ‘thank you’ to all our loyal readers for taking the time to read the blog and also to our very own bloggers who put in extra efforts and sometime extra hours, too, to share their knowledge and wisdom, without which this would not have been possible.

Amit Gautam

Founder & Director – Technology Solutions Upside Learning