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Upside Learning Launches New eBook – Go Beyond: Digitalize and Modernize Learning

With this new eBook, Upside Learning delves into the need for digitalization and modernization in the modern workplace and also covers how to do it right.

Upside Learning, a leading service provider of end-to-end digital learning solutions for Fortune-1000 companies across the globe, has recently published a new eBook titled ‘Go Beyond: Digitalize and Modernize Learning’.

Authored by Amit Garg, Founder and CEO and Aleysia Khan, Senior Manager – Instructional Design of Upside Learning, this eBook delves into the pressing need for digitalizing and modernizing workplace learning. The book talks about Covid-triggered implications leading organizations to shift to digital business models and how it accelerated these trends, putting an increased premium on L&D as a means of equipping companies to handle both long-term challenges and short-term crises. It presents some viable options for organizations to digitalize and modernize their learning and strengthens reader understanding through supporting case studies and engaging stories.

According to Amit, “There is no escaping digitalization and modernization of learning. With automation in action, many new roles are emerging resulting into pressing need to retrain and redeploy talent for the new world of work. Modernization of learning is not just only about technology or speedy skilling, but also entails a lot more. This eBook should serve as a comprehensive guide for anyone looking at digitalizing or modernizing their workplace learning.”

You may download the eBook here:

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About Upside Learning

Since 2004, Upside Learning has consistently delivered best-in-class custom learning solutions to organizations worldwide. The focal point has been to help customers deliver real outcomes by helping them achieve performance improvements that are aligned with their business objectives. Upside Learning aims to make a real impact on organizational metrics and behaviors by supporting organizations to bolster their core teams.

With experience in offerings such as Virtual Instructor-led Training, Custom Learning, Learning Consultancy, Performance Support Aids, eBooks, or Game-based learning, Upside Learning strives to add value to every learning solution it creates.

Upside Learning aims to go beyond the ordinary and predictable with their mantra of ‘Go Beyond’. As part of the ‘Go Beyond’ initiative, Upside Learning nudges its internal teams, customers, and the entire L&D community to treat every learning initiative as an enabler of employee performance. The ‘L&D Go Beyond Podcast’ is a significant and noteworthy part of this initiative, which features workplace learning leaders from across the globe sharing their insights and experiences. Over the years, Upside Learning has won more than 90 awards and accolades (including several Brandon Hall Group Excellence awards).

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