Fire Safety and Prevention course wins the prestigious Apex 2007 Grand Award in the Electronic and Video Publications category
July 2007
The Fire Safety and Prevention custom content course created for Tooling University, Ohio, USA, was the winner of an Apex Grand Award in the Apex 2007 Awards for Publication Excellence.
The Apex Awards are presented annually to recognise excellence in graphic design, editorial content, and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence. Within these, the Apex Grand Awards specifically honor outstanding work in the main categories. This year, there were 223 entries in the Electronic and Video Publications category, out of which just 8 won Grand Awards. We are proud that Fire Safety and Prevention was one of these.
For us, the award is recognition that our instructional and visual design capabilities are truly world-class. The course was targeted at students enrolled in online classes with the aim of reinforcing their learning through engaging and interactive content. This was achieved by creating a job-realistic story and playing it out in a factory environment resembling that in real-life. As the story unfolded, students had to take decisions or resolve problems based on the situations; they were provided with feedback accordingly.