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Diverse eLearning staff augmentation solutions for your staffing needs.

We help shape and scale the right team for your learning needs.

Talent Solutions
to Meet Your
Staffing Needs

Finding the right talent for a project can be a daunting task. Companies often face challenges such as skill shortages, time constraints, and budget limitations.

Our Staff Augmentation services provide a flexible and cost-effective solution to your staffing challenges. With years of experience shaping the right team for every project, we excel at finding superior talent, onboarding, and mentoring for success. By partnering with us, you can access a pool of talented eLearning professionals who bring diverse skills and expertise to your project. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality work, on time and within budget, ensuring the success of your project.

Three Unique Staff Augmentation Models

We understand that each project has its own set of requirements,
which is why we provide three distinct engagement models to better meet your goals.

Extended Development Studio (EDS) Model

The EDS model is ideal for large projects within a set timeframe. It provides access to diverse skills and roles at a fixed hourly rate, allowing flexibility to start and stop projects, handle SME delays, and prioritize work quickly. With no need for an SOW for each project, it offers cost benefits and control. Furthermore, a dedicated core team with a member from each function ensures seamless execution.

  • Fixed number of effort hours per month for a fixed timeframe
  • Access to different skills/roles
  • Fixed hourly rate across different roles
  • Dedicated core team with one member from each function

Onsite Engagement Model

Our team can work from your office for projects that require collaboration with SMEs and stakeholders to compile project requirements. The team includes individuals from various functions, and billing is based on the number of weeks and team size. This fixed-duration Onsite Engagement Model ensures secure handling of sensitive data within organizational premises.

  • Fixed-duration model
  • Billing based on the number of weeks the team is required to work in the client’s office and team size
  • Team comprises individuals from various functions, such as Instructional Design, Visual Design, Development, Quality Assurance, and Project Management

Offshore Engagement Model

Save time and effort in hiring and training new team members with our experienced team, who provide quick value to projects. Our Offshore Engagement Model offers the best value for clients who prioritize quality and affordability.

  • Remote team working with the client’s team
  • Saves time and effort associated with hiring and training new members
  • Experienced team that brings value to projects comparatively faster
  • Skills available include Instructional Design, Visual Design, Development, Quality Assurance, and Project Management

Let us help you choose the right model.

We have helped multiple global clients with their staffing needs, and we pride ourselves on our
ability to provide the right talent to them.

Are you ready to build the perfect team for your project? We’re just a message away!

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